同期現象* と呼ばれる自然現象を利用したキネティック・サウンドインスタレーション。多数の振り子が、吊られた台を通し互いに干渉しあうことで、まるで制御されているかのように自己同調していく。個としては単純な振り子の振る舞いが、群衆(crowd)として互いに干渉し合うことで、同期(sync)によるうねりを持った状態や、内乱による無秩序な状態を生成し、環境を複雑に変化させ続ける。また、各振り子の揺れに合わせて鳴る音は、さまざまなパターンとなって有機的に重なり合い、ミニマル・ミュージックの音楽構造にも通じる美しさを生み出していく。
*同期現象 個別にリズムを刻むものが多数あった時に、その個体同士が単純な相互作用をするだけで、全体が同じリズムを刻むようになるという現象である(蛍の発光、拍手の同期、人間の寝起きのリズムなど)。本作品では、一つの振り子の揺れが台を揺らし、その台の揺れが他の振り子を揺らすことで勝手に揺れが同期していく。同期は、全くの制御なしで、自然の成り行きとして起こる。重りの上下によって振り子の揺れを大きく乱すことで、同期状態からバラバラな状態へと状態を変化させている。
A kinetic sound installation that utilizes a natural phenomenon called synchronization*. A large number of pendulums interfere with each other through a suspended platform, and become self-synchronized as if they were being controlled. The simple behavior of the pendulums as individuals interfere with each other as a crowd, creating a state of undulation due to synchronization and a state of disorder due to internal disturbance, and continuing to change the environment in complex ways. The sounds that accompany the swinging of each pendulum form a variety of patterns that overlap organically, creating a beauty that can be compared to the musical structure of minimal music.
*Synchronization Phenomenon This is a phenomenon in which when there are a number of individual rhythmic objects, simple interaction between them will cause the whole to have the same rhythm (e.g., the emission of fireflies, the synchronization of applause, the rhythm of human sleep and waking). In this work, the swaying of one pendulum shakes the platform, and the swaying of the platform shakes the other pendulums, and the swaying becomes synchronized on its own. The synchronization happens as a natural process without any control at all. By disturbing the swinging of the pendulum by raising and lowering the weight, the state is changed from the synchronized state to the disjointed state.
courtesy nadoya / photo by Daisuke Ohki
Planner/Conceptor:Makoto Fukuchi
Hardware Engineer:Satoshi Nakane
Software Engineer:Shuhei Matsuyama
Mechanic Engineer:Yusuke Seto
Sound Producer:Yui Onodera
Architect/Experience Designer:Kazuhiro Itagaki
Scientist:Mafumi Hishida
Producer:Shigeyoshi Hayashi