In this exhibition, five "syncrowd" of different sizes and numbers of pendulums were arranged so that they could be viewed from the front, and the exhibition space is designed to allow visitors to observe the behavior of all "syncrowd" at the same time.The simple swings of individual pendulums generate undulating and disordered states, resulting in a visually and aurally recognizable experience. The behavior of the pendulum continues to change in a complex, self-organizing way.
The sound produced by the "syncrowd" comprises sine waves, which are the smallest unit of sound. The different frequencies overlap rhythmically, resembling pulses and making the organic behavior of the pendulum audible. The exhibition provides viewers with an opportunity to listen to the syncrowd's minute changes while observing it from a bird's eye view or focusing on its details.
Planner/Conceptor:Makoto Fukuchi
Hardware Engineer:Satoshi Nakane
Software Engineer:Shuhei Matsuyama
Robot Engineer:Yusuke Seto
Sound Producer:Yui Onodera
Architect/Experience Designer:Kazuhiro Itagaki
Scientist:Mafumi Hishida
Producer:Shigeyoshi Hayashi
図版提供:NTTインターコミュニケーション・センター [ICC]
Photo: KIOKU Keizo
Photo courtesy: NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC]
撮影素材提供:NTTインターコミュニケーション・センター [ICC]
Photography materials provided : NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC]