タイトル:syncrowd - seven chorus 7つの振り子の群れによるキネティック・サウンドインスタレーション
会場:横浜赤レンガ倉庫1号館 3Fホール
会期:2022年4月2日(土)- 4月10日(日)
主催:Creative Label nor
The exhibition invites visitors to explore and appreciate an organic, multisensory environment created by multiple "syncrowd" of various sizes. Visitors can walk around and pause to actively observe the physical phenomena and the environment's beauty.
Each of the seven "syncrowd" in the exhibition space has its own tempo and repeats synchronously or asynchronously, depending on its size. The simple sound of the pendulum's repetition creates a complex and continuously changing swell of sound that fills the entire space, thanks to the interference and fluctuation (chorus) between the "syncrowd." Although it may appear to be a primitive chant or controlled orchestration at first, the self-organizing structure creates a diverse ensemble in the absence of a conductor or absolute leader.
To create an overlap of sound between the "syncrowd" in the large space, omni-directional speakers are installed above each "syncrowd." Visitors can actively move around the space and listen to the ensemble of sounds produced by the interference of the individual "syncrowd."
Exhibition Outline
Title: syncrowd - seven chorus, Kinetic sound installation by seven pendulums
Venue: Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse No. 1, 3F Hall, Yokohama, Japan
Dates: April 2 (Sat) - April 10 (Sun), 2022
Organizer: Creative Label nor
Grant: 2021 Media Arts Creator Development Support Program
Planner/Conceptor:Makoto Fukuchi
Hardware Engineer:Satoshi Nakane
Software Engineer:Shuhei Matsuyama
Robot Engineer:Yusuke Seto
Sound Producer:Yui Onodera
Architect/Experience Designer:Kazuhiro Itagaki
Graphic Designer:Kohei Futakuchi
Scientist:Mafumi Hishida
Producer:Shigeyoshi Hayashi
Software Engineer:Joe Ohara
Graphic Designer:Aika Ono
Construction:Yugo Kusaka
Assistant:Ryuta Ono
Sound System Engineer:Umeo Saito (flextone)
Sound System:Taguchi Craftec
Poster print:SHOEI Inc.